Mother and son feature in pioneering concert

The Peeblesshire NewsMiles Smiles 02 website

A pioneering concert in Broughton Village Hall will showcase the talents of one of Peeblesshire’s most famous musicians – and it’s all for a good cause.

The concert on Saturday, May 17, features the combined talents of harp and clarsach virtuoso Savourna Stevenson and her son Miles Norris, who plays guitar and bass guitar.

The evening’s entertainment has been devised by Broughton mother Ingrid Campbell, whose son Dart is in Primary 1 at the local school.

Her hope is that this popular concert will help kick-start a range of other musical events and activities both in school and further afield.

“I would like to do something to help encourage a love of music in our local young children,” she said. “I hope that this concert will make some money which we can plough back into further music-making in the community.”

Savourna Stevenson has had a varied and brilliant career and is established as one of the most imaginative musicians in the Borders.

Her cross-cultural enthusiasm has led to collaboration with artists from the worlds of traditional, jazz, rock and world music, working with an impressive array of musicians including Aly Bain, Danny Thompson, the Bhundu Boys, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the Miles & Sav 02 websiteNational Youth Choirs of Scotland, the Scottish Ensemble and Catrin Finch, former Royak Harpist to HRH the Prince of Wales.

Savourna has become famous as a pioneer composer for the clarsach, or Scottish harp, performing on groundbreaking instruments made by her husband Mark Norris in his Stobo workshop.

Her son is a talented guitarist and bassist. He spent two years in Germany working on music projects for people with special needsand also playing bass in the German reggae band Antofagasta.

Broughton Village Hall will be set up with a fully licensed bar and cafe tables for a varied programme ranging from early music, through traditional Scottish and Irish, bluegrass, jazz, Latin, and blues from the harp and guitar, including excerpts from Savourna’s celebrated ‘Tweed Journey’, commissioned in 1989 for the Borders Festival of Ballads & Legends…

Aeolian Harp

Aeolian Harp Pavilion at the Royal Botanic Gardens

Aeolian Harp Pavilion at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.

Created by Scottish harp maker Mark Norris, the Aeolian Harp Pavilion was installed in the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh in May 2014 and is now a permanent feature in the gardens.

The harp is made from a 200 year old Wych Elm tree which was felled in the gardens in 2003 after Dutch Elm disease.

This time-lapse film shows the 3 day installation of the Pavilion … with music from Savourna Stevenson, which is also performed on a harp made by Mark Norris …

Music tracks are … ‘Calman The Wolf’ and ‘An Buachaille’ from the CD Calman The Dove ( Cook CD 137 )
… and ‘Come Try Me ( 1st Movement String Quintet )’ from the CD Touch Me Like The Sun ( Cook CD 192 )